15 research outputs found

    Semantic modelling and ontology integration of the open government systems

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    Ontologija otvorene vlade predstavljena u ovom radu je sveobuhvatna ontologija koja za cilj ima modeliranje širokog opsega servisa otvorene vlade. Semantički model otvorene vlade daje mogućnost za integraciju s drugim semantičkim i informatičkim modelima te omogućuje semantičko razmišljanje i pronalaženje resursa. Karakteristike otvorene vlade su transparentnost, sudjelovanje i suradnja. Glavne komponente otvorene vlade su otvorena arhitektura, otvoreni podaci i otvoreni standardi. Organizacijska struktura otvorene vlade sastoji se od unutarnjih vladinih organizacija, povezanih područja i otvorenih (e)vladinih servisa. Ontologija otvorene vlade se može koristiti kao semantičko spremište meta podataka za (e)vladine i otvorene (e)vladine servise. Primjenom formalnih metoda razmišljanja predložena ontologija omogućuje pronalaženje informacija o servisima otvorene (e)vlade i zaključivanje na osnovu prikupljenog znanja. Također, ontologija otvorene arhitekture se može koristiti kao informacijska arhitektura za stvaranje tih servisa, kao u slučaju Crnogorske semantičke naučne mreže.Open Government Ontology proposed in this paper is an extensive ontology aimed at modelling a wide range of Open Government services. Semantic model of the Open Government opens possibilities for the integration with other semantic and information models, and enables semantic reasoning and resource discovery. Characteristics of the Open Government are transparency, participation and collaboration. Main components of the Open Government are Open Architecture, Open Data and Open Standards. Organizational structure of the Open Government consists of the internal government organizations, associated domains and Open (e)Government services. Open Government Ontology can be used as a semantic meta-data repository for the (e)Government and Open (e)Government services. Using formal methods of reasoning with the proposed ontology we can search for information about Open (e)Government services and infer on gathered knowledge. Also Open Architecture Ontology can be used as Information Architecture framework for the creation of these services as was the case regarding Montenegrin Semantic Science Network

    Profil srednjoškolskih nastavnika informatike u Autonomnoj pokrajini Vojvodini

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    This paper presents the research methodology and preliminary results aimed at forming the profile of informatics teachers in secondary schools in Vojvodina that could serve as a source of information for planning education modalities for informatics teaching staff. The research instrument used was a questionnaire designed to collect data on teachers’ profile described by objective indicators (academic and permanent education), self-evaluation of teachers’ own competency in Informatics and pedagogical-didactic domains, teachers’ opinion on the importance of informatics and pedagogical and teaching methodology corpus in the university curriculum for informatics teachers, their opinion on the extent of the informatics domain knowledge in secondary education curriculum and preferred education modality for informatics teachers. The preliminary results indicate that there is an imbalance in the academic education of teachers while their self-assessment shows that their knowledge of more complex and contemporary aspects of Informatics, as well as the pedagogical and teaching methodology corpus is insufficient. Furthermore, the teachers’ opinion is that many of the Informatics domain topics are not adequately represented in secondary school curricula in Vojvodina. The research also indicates a preference for specialized integrated studies as an education modality for informatics teachers. Ovaj rad prikazuje metodologiju koja je korištena u istraživanju i preliminarne rezultate istraživanja s ciljem stvaranja profila nastavnika informatike u srednjim školama u Vojvodini koji bi mogao služiti kao izvor informacija pri planiranju modela obrazovanja nastavnika informatike. Instrument korišten u istraživanju bila je anketa oblikovana tako da bi se prikupili podaci o profilu nastavnika na temelju objektivnih pokazatelja (akademsko i trajno obrazovanje); samovrednovanja nastavničkih kompetencija u područjima informatike, pedagogije i didaktike; mišljenju nastavnika o važnosti informatike i pedagoško-metodičkog aspekta u sveučilišnom kurikulu za obrazovanje nastavnika informatike; njihova mišljenja o zastupljenosti znanja iz područja informatike u srednjoškolskom kurikulu i prikladnom modelu obrazovanja nastavnika informatike. Preliminarni rezultati pokazuju da postoji nesklad u akademskom obrazovanju nastavnika, dok njihova samoprocjena pokazuje da je njihovo znanje o složenijim i suvremenim aspektima informatike, kao i znanje u području pedagogije i metodike nedostatno. Mišljenje nastavnika je da mnoge informatičke teme nisu prikladno zastupljene u srednjoškolskom kurikulu u Vojvodini. Istraživanje također ukazuje na potrebu specijaliziranih integriranih studija kao modela obrazovanja nastavnika informatike

    Predlog rešenja centralnog kataloga za lokalne baze bibliotečkih zapisa = One implementation of central catalogue for local library record databases

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    Most library information systems have local library record database. These library information systems can form library network that could incorporate all local library record databases. In this case, it would be necessary to implement virtual central catalogue for the library records in order to enable search over those incorporated databases. One implementation of the central catalogue could be done using the distributed components technology. Consequently, library record database search could be performed by the specialized distributed software components – software agents. For each library server there is one software agent that is capable of searching in the database. Query issued to the central catalogue is distributed to all agents, and then all of them execute that query simultaneously. All query results are incorporated into one joint result that is presented in the central catalogue

    Pretraživanje multimedijalnih informacija u sistemu digitalnih biblioteka magistarskih i doktorskih radova = Multimedia document retrieval in the networked digital library of theses and dissertations

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    There is a number of systems providing retrieval of multimedia documents. These systems have certain shortcomings, such as fixed document structure and a limited number of supported media types. An Extensible Multimedia Information Retrieval System (XMIRS) has been developed as a result of addressing those shortcomings. This paper presents main characteristics of XMIRS software architecture providing system extensibility by multiple multimedia object retrieval modules and multiple document retrieval models. An implementation of a XMIRS prototype configured to support document retrieval in the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) system is described in detail. Implementation of particular retrieval functionality utilizes existing software packages integrated into the whole system as XMIRS modules. The paper then presents examples of multimedia document retrieval in NDLTD using XMIRS including retrieval of text, images, and video clips

    Prikaz realizacije mrežne digitalne biblioteke doktorskih, magistarskih i diplomskih radova = Overview of implementation of the networked digital library of theses and dissertations

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    The paper is an overview of the realisation of the project Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. The project has been financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development of AP Vojvodina and is being carried out at the University of Novi Sad. The underlying software architecture of the system is a multi-layered Internet application which can be run on various hardware and software platforms. The client side layer is a web-based user interface enabling updating the database and user search

    Monitoring of Jee Applications and Performance Prediction

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    This paper presents one solution for continuous monitoring of JEE application. In order to reduce overhead, Kieker monitoring framework was used. This paper presents the architecture and basic functionality of the Kieker framework and how it can be extended for adaptive monitoring of JEE applications. Collected data was used for analysis of application performance. In order to predict application performance, regression analysis was employed